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Core-Based Inductance Types

The heart of an Inductance is its heart. There are various types of inductors depending on the core material used.

Air Core Inductor

A common inductor with a simple winding is this air core inductor. This only has air as the core material. Air core inductors use any non-magnetic material such as plastics and ceramics as the magnetic core to reduce core losses i.e. eddy current losses and stray losses, especially at very high operating frequencies. However, using a non-magnetic core also reduces its inductance.

Inductor type

Air core inductors are used to construct RF tuning coils. They are also used in filter circuits, buffer circuits, and high-frequency applications including television and radio receivers.

Iron core inductor

These inductors have a ferromagnetic material, such as ferrite or iron, as the core material. The use of such core materials helps increase inductance due to their high permeability. These inductors have high power values ​​but limited high-frequency capacity.

Inductor type

Inductors with ferromagnetic core materials like these suffer from core and energy losses at high frequencies.

Ferrite Core Inductors

Ferrite cores have very low conductivity, which reduces eddy currents in the core, resulting in very low eddy current losses at high frequencies. Therefore, they can be used in high-frequency applications. They also have the advantage of reducing costs.

Inductor type

There are two types of ferrites, hard ferrite, and soft ferrite.

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