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How the Electronics Industry Uses Different Types of Inductors

In electronic component products, inductance plays a pivotal role in maintaining the normal operation of electronic equipment. Inductors are now widely used in high-power electrical appliances, spike blockers, radio frequency devices, signal shielding, and other equipment. The following are common types of inductors and their typical uses:

coupled inductance

The magnetic circuits of the coupled inductors are shared and affect each other. Coupled inductors are often used in transformers, especially as feedback mechanisms for voltage rise and fall or isolation. Including transformer.

Winding Core Inductance

Core-wound inductors are characterized by having one or two cores. The number of windings is proportional to the increase in inductance and capacitance. It should be noted that there is a valid trade-off between high inductance and maximum operating frequency.

Power Inductors

Power inductors typically come in a variety of powers and sizes. These inductors carry currents ranging from a few amps to tens of amps. Because power inductors can withstand large currents, they can generate strong magnetic fields. At the same time, in order to prevent these magnetic fields from generating unnecessary noise, corresponding shielding measures need to be taken.

RF Inductors

RF (radio frequency) inductors typically operate in high-frequency environments. This type of inductor usually has high resistance and a low current rating. Because of the operating frequency of the inductor, it is important to reduce multiple sources of loss, so most RF inductors use an air-core construction. The reason for not using ferrite is that its losses increase during use.

choke coil

Chokes block high-frequency pulses while letting low-frequency pulses pass. Usually divided into two categories:

• Nanocrystalline core power supply and audio choke coils.

• RF choke coils using powdered iron cores.

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